Thursday, April 7, 2011

UnGoogleable Research – What I Already Know

My focus question is “Why do people choose to join gangs, how does it feel to be gang affiliated and why is it that it may be dangerous?” I already know why some people choose to join gangs. My perspective is that people choose to join gangs for respect and family. People back up their hood by expecting respect when some one from a different hood comes by. When I say hood I mean the place they grew up in and live in. Also, people are in gangs because of their family members or close friends also known as hommies, they know that their family member or hommie is in the gang, so they also want to be in it, to be their for their family member or hommie to protect them. I also know how it feels to be gang affiliated. Being gang affiliated is like having another family to go to. It’s a feeling of being protected and knowing that someone always has your back. Being gang affiliated is a feeling of trust and respect. Additionally, being gang affiliated may be dangerous in some ways, but the main reason it would be dangerous is if somebody disrespects you or your hood. There could be serious damage to that person, his hood, and the people in his hood. By doing this research, I hope to learn other reasons why people may think that gangs are dangerous and  more about gangs.

1 comment:

  1. i like your outlook on gangs. and that you explain how their not all bad :)


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