Monday, April 18, 2011

My Feelings about the Upcoming CSTs!!

I feel scared and nervous about taking the California Standardized Tests. An example of how I feel about taking this test is as if I was about to get on a huge and fast rollercoaster, I would to be scared and nervous at first but would go through it anyway. Another example is getting my belly button pierced, I was first scared then nervous to get it done, but I then just did it. My last example would be going to juvenile hall, when I was on my way to juvii I was scared and nervous, but I then went through it and I no longer felt that way. I currently feel really nervous about this upcoming test, but I know that I have to go through it one way or another.


  1. Relax! You know a lot already. If you relax and focus on reading all of the directions and reading passages, you will do fine. :-)

  2. Good job on your post, you did a really good job.

  3. Breanna,focus and read each question carefully and you will do just fine!! Goodluck.

  4. Good Job on your post you going to be find.


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