Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Portfolio – Greatest Obstacle of Freshman Year!

The incident happened before prom. I was trying hard in the beginning and end to get higher than a 2.0. In the beginning of third quarter, I was trying hard and doing all my work. Then in the middle I just started to not care out of nowhere and started to slack on my work. Once I found out that we had to have a 2.0 or higher to be eligible to go to prom, I tried to get back on task and was to late cause of progress reports. I felt mad at myself for not caring, also upset because I did not even have a 2.0 and not being eligible to go to prom. Even though the night of prom I had a really good time, I think I should have tried to get a 2.0 or higher anyways. After that and fourth quarter began, I changed my ways and I now try hard and do my work. The incident changed me by showing that it is important to focus in school work and if you get a 2.0 or higher you will have more privileges in life.

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