Tuesday, May 10, 2011



Many people believe that gangs are all about causing trouble and violence. Gangs are looked to for protection, loyalty and a sense of identity. Members consider themselves part of a family and view their gang as a source of pride. Gangs may fulfill the need for acceptance, recognition and respect. People choose to join gangs for respect and protection.

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A street gang is a group of people who share a name or symbol and join together for a reason. Marks or tattoo symbols or names on their bodies. Wear particular items, styles, brands, or colors of clothing. Some gangs wear bandannas of a certain color or baseball caps of a particular team. Gang members use types of signs, to recognize each other, represent them self, and many other reasons.

Gang members all around the world have many reasons why they join a gang. A gang might be small in size and operate locally, or be large and have connections around the world. The major reasons for joining a gang are poverty, immigration, racism, discrimination, language barriers, family problems, community problems, male or female interest, money, materialism, independence, reputation, respect, retaliation, revenge entertainment. Gangs are looked to for protection, loyalty and a sense of identity. Members consider themselves part of a family and view their gang as a source of pride. Gangs may fulfill the need for acceptance and recognition as well.

If gangs or gang members feel disrespected, retaliation (or revenge) is a guarantee. Retaliation can range from bullying or a beating, all the way to murder. It’s hard to escape the pressure to join a gang when your mom, your dad, your brother or grandmother is part of a gang. Some families have been involved with gangs for many years. A sense of belonging, acceptance and loyalty. Gangs may offer a sense of identity to their members and a way to gain attention or status. Kids who do not have strong ties to their families, communities, schools or places of worship may turn to gangs for companionship and as a substitute family...

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