Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Special Animal Paragraph!!:]

Animals CAN be a humans best friend in many similars ways. For example, at the age of ten I had a pet dog named Kisses. I did so many activities with Kisses and he was more than a dog, Kisses was my best friend. When I would come home to Kisses every day after school and I would always see him at the door waiting for me. When Kisses would see me walking up to him he would jump on me and kiss me. Kisses was a puppy Golden Retriver, he was very big for his age. Kisses was always there for me when I needed him, and I could always depend on him when I needed to, until someone stole him by breaking off the chain. We found out early in the morning,when I got up to say Good Morning.  I noticed he was gone so I pored out in tear because I didn't just lose a pet, my best friend was gone for good.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I really like that picture on here it's pretty cute Omg...I love the color on your blog don't change it.


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