Friday, July 8, 2011

Persuasive Essay Final Draft

Breanna R

Per. 2 [Summer school]

"Why should SPA students attend teen topic?"
    Why should students attend teen topic? Students are assigned to do teen topic there feelings out or a way to express what they have to say. Students do not have to do ten topic, but get paid to do it. I think teen topic is a reasonable thing to do and we get paid to do it.

     Kids should attend teen topic because we talk about interesting topics that are useful to us. At teen topic, you get to choose what you want to talk about., from what you did today to whatever you like. Teen topic is also a way to express your feelings and emotions.For example, one of the house social worker June, says that "going to teen topic gives us a chance to expand our horizons".
    Abuse and domestic violence in the real world is something that we have talked about in teen topic. If kids go to teen topic then they are getting prepared for all the things that go on in the real world. We talk about domestic violence, all types of abuses and ways to not get involved in it. Talking to kids about domestic violence is very vital because when they get older they know how to handle situations like this. Therefore, kids should know that being abused is not right and can harm others very much in many different ways.
       Teen topic is like a little mini therapy. You put your feelings out there so everyone or just an adult can understand you. It helps heal your wounded heart. Therapy or counselling is a way to help you deal with your worries now, so when you get older you won't have a melt down.
       Teen topic is reasonable, interesting, and helpful. Teen topic helps students express them selves in the assignment given. Teen topic also helps students let out what they have to say during the group conversations. Teen topic is good for teens in many ways.


  1. There was a lot of repetitive words and ideas and some typos in the beggining.

  2. There was some typos but nice job.


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