Thursday, March 17, 2011

What I Learned in the Third Quarter of English 9/10!!

This quarter I have learned a lot more than last quarter. I was able to understand most of the work and did most of my homework. I have learned and memorized the meanings of symbolism, allegory, poetry, imagery, figurative language, primary source, and secondary source.  At first I had no clue what allegory meant and now I know that it means that it is, stories in which characters and places stand for something beyond themselves usually virtues and vices. The other words I had somewhat of an idea of what they meant but now know exactly what they mean. I have learned all these meanings of words by taking notes, reading about them, making graphic organizers and doing other class work and homework. This quarter we were able to eat in class for a story that we read, I got to teach the class and also learned about John F. Kennedy. I learned and understood a lot more this quarter.

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