Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"The Sniper" Fear

When facing heart-pounding fear, people perform well, because either they see some one they love or someone that believes in them. For example I have over came my fears by believing in myself and by having others believe in me. Belief in what your doing and impotance of it. Knowing the consequences of not doing it, is worse than doing it.  An example is aphobia of needles. If a person needs medication to save their life, they will take the shot, rather than die. I still have fear for clowns and creepy dolls like chucky and porcelain dolls, I need to over come it with logic, understanding that they can not really hurt me. I still im scared of them but those are ways to over come my fears. All these people including myself over come fears by support, belief, logic, impotance of doing it or the consequences of not doing it.

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